The quality of the welcome within each company is today at the heart of the priorities, regardless of its sector of activity or its size.

The success of an event is essential for your business given the financial stakes and the image conveyed through it.

You need to enhance your brand, develop your sales, your institutional reputation or to launch a new product?
Join us
We have missions all year long, specific missions or indeterminate contracts. Join an agency recognized for its dynamism and professionalism!
Send us your resume, your motivation letter, a portrait and a full-length photo.
Our recruitment department will come back to you!
Join us
We have missions all year long, specific missions or indeterminate contracts. Join an agency recognized for its dynamism and professionalism!
Send us your resume, your motivation letter, a portrait and a full-length photo.
Our recruitment department will come back to you!
look book
You will find in our dressing room the ideal outfit to dress your event!
If necessary, our personal shopper service will advise you in the selection of a customised outfit.
look book
You will find in our dressing room the ideal outfit to dress your event!
If necessary, our personal shopper service will advise you in the selection of a customised outfit.
Les hôtesses et hôtes France Prestige toujours prêts à gérer vos accueils !
La gestion de l’accueil de vos visiteurs, invités et clients évolue dans le contexte sanitaire actuel.
La clé de la réussite…s’adapter !
Formation aux gestes barrières
L’Agence France Prestige anticipe la reprise et s’organise pour former ses équipes aux gestes à adopter en toutes circonstances.
Nous souhaitons remercier Tracy
L’Agence France Prestige est fière de compter parmi ses équipes des bénévoles impliqué(e)s dans la lutte contre le Covid-19.
Since 1996, a great many of you have joined us, a great many of you have been loyal to us and we’ve been together a fair old while.
Thank you for your trust and your commitment to the Agency and for sharing our values.
Our expertise, our professionalism, as well as our discretion and respect for confidentiality are our primary assets in our Clients’ choice. Law firms, financial companies, banks, large businesses, premium brands, major events for the general public… we operate across a multitude of sectors.
Contact us! We would be delighted to provide you with information, advise you and help you bring your projects to a successful conclusion.
Trust in France Prestige: excellence at the service of your image!